What Is Plagiarism In Thesis Research


Using someone’s words or thoughts without referring to them appropriately is counterfeiting their work. There might be no malevolent goal, however, it actually falls under literary theft. As you have more investigative experience, you will be able to use other resources such as paraphrasing.

Many times the discovery of a plagiarized thesis usually happens when it has already been defended, and the student has graduated. So, therefore, we have to write our thesis, essay paper 100% Plagiarism Free Essay, etc. for fear of being rejected and judged by society.

Implications of plagiarism of ideas in a thesis

Plagiarism can have various connotations, ranging from legal to merely intellectual. However, no matter what connotation it shows, it will always indicate a person’s inability to create and express their own ideas, as well as their lack of ethics and moral values ​​because plagiarism is basically theft.

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Being discovered as a plagiarist is something very serious for all types of writers and researchers, and therefore for the author of a thesis. Students who commit this crime usually receive strong punishments within their universities.

The plagiarism of a thesis is usually accompanied by a lot of damage, not only for the student who commits it, but also for the university in which he studies, and sometimes even for the thesis supervisor.

It is important to see that plagiarism not only occurs when the thesis student takes another thesis and passes it off as his own. It also happens when students prefer not to do their thesis research and pay researchers or other students to do that without scruples for them.

For this reason, before committing plagiarism, think about all that this implies, and even think about yourself as a professional. If you can’t learn to research when you’re in school, then why waste the money and time that goes into studying for an undergraduate or graduate degree?

The Citation Plagiarism Within The Thesis

Plagiarism is the practice of copying other people’s work to meet the requirements for obtaining a degree. This means that your thesis may contain bibliographic citations or ideas stolen from other authors but that will pass for yours.

Only the fact of putting an idea of ​​another author as your own can already be considered plagiarism. This type of intellectual theft is more difficult to detect because it involves reading the entire thesis very carefully and being well versed in the subject to find an idea that may belong to someone else,

The plagiarism of loose ideas is usually more common than is believed, and many times students include this type of citation in their thesis when they are authors who are not well known. It is also common to do it with document ideas that are difficult to consult by the jury, the thesis supervisor.

Another form of unintentional citation plagiarism occurs when an author’s ideas are taken and translated into one’s own language, copying the structure of an author’s sentences, so by replicating these grammatical patterns, the expressions, ideas, words, or phrases of the said author are inadvertently plagiarized.

However, the most important thing to avoid this type of plagiarism is that you do things conscientiously, that you review your thesis very carefully and in detail, and in case of self-detecting this type of problem, communicate it with your tutor or the person who is advising you.

Citation plagiarism is usually done unintentionally most of the time. It is seen especially in undergraduate theses written by students who lack knowledge in writing. To avoid this, you must develop the habit of correctly writing down each idea that is read and placed in the thesis.

The Importance Of The Internet In The Plagiarism of Information For Thesis

The Internet has been, perhaps, the most important technological evolutionary process of the last fifty years. In the last decade, it has also facilitated the way in which content is shared, allowing plagiarism, piracy of music, movies, and more recently of books, including theses.

The Internet makes it easier to copy quotes than when consulting a printed work, remember that it only consists of shading the idea, applying the Ctrl+C commands, and pasting it into the thesis. Or even, how many of you have not used Google translators or any other page to translate an author’s text.

Another advantage of the Internet is that nowadays it is easier to have access to written and defended theses, there are hundreds of digital information repositories and digital theses libraries where any researcher can consult this type of document. 


Nowadays, faced with this ease of consultation, although a greater number of theses can be accessed and texts can be copied to pass them off as one’s own, this also makes it easier to detect a fraudulent thesis, because more people will have access to your thesis and you can find out.