How to Create Lipstick Packaging that Sells Like Crazy

custom lip gloss boxes

The desire to look beautiful drives women to wear lipsticks that complement their personalities. Nothing seems prettier than women wearing elegant lipstick colors. Consumers invest a lot of time and energy exploring wide ranges of lipsticks to get the best. Moreover, with a growing number of lipstick ranges available, customers are becoming more choosy. In this situation, several brands, especially new ones, find it hard to give a stand-apart appeal to their lipsticks. And that’s where lipstick boxes can boost lipstick presentation and sales upon introducing innovative customizations. 

The Style Type Of Packaging Influences Consumers’ Buying Behavior

Apart from the traditional tuck-top long-shaped lipstick boxes, you can get innovative and tempt customers to buy more.  

Sleeve Styled Lipstick Boxes

These two-piece boxes with a sleeve and tray can encapsulate more than one lipstick as a set. The smooth slide-in closing gives away a luxury product touch and naturally appeals to the senses. Brands sometimes sleeve styled lipstick boxes to sell lipsticks as a discounted set and boost sales. This type of packaging also has a gift-like appeal that customers love to give away to dear ones. 

Shoulder Styled Lipstick Box

This simple lipstick box with a base and lid has a premium look of its own. You can place a single lipstick or multiple – to wow onlookers with a unique box. However, you can use custom add-ons like cardboard inserts to add more than one lipstick. And for a more premium and organized inside look, go for custom foam inserts. 

PDQ Displays For Lipsticks

This type of box is king in giving you quick and impulsive sales. PDQ display makes lipsticks accessible – meaning within the closest reach of customers standing by counters. These boxes increase lipstick visibility on shelves and bring organization to lipstick display. Popular lipstick brands that have made a big name are also known for organized product placement – building perception as a high-quality brand. 

The Edge Environment Loving Brands Have On Competitors

Today is an age where environmental protection has become a global concern. The trend towards custom eco-friendly lipstick boxes is booming. No matter in which industry, consumers want brands to act responsibly towards the environment. 

Research shows up to 64% of consumers are willing to pay a premium to brands they love on top – for following eco friendly packaging practices. Lipstick brands that were quick to use environment-friendly stocks for lipstick packaging made five times more sales. 

Natural brown kraft and recyclable cardboard are the best environment-friendly options for lipstick boxes. 

Intricate Graphics & Artsy Patterns

Many brands use almost all types of colors for lipstick boxes. This opens up room for lipstick brands to use graphics and patterns that captivate customers in unique ways. Printed graphics and patterns, if used strategically, become a huge part of your overall branding and design. Lipstick lovers begin to associate your lipstick brand with specific pattern and graphics. This way, your custom lipstick boxes are easily identifiable on display shelves – thereby tempting customers to pick a branded product get full custom printed boxes.