Transform Your Dissertation Into A Research Paper

Research Paper

If you are a postdoctoral, you must be aware of the nightmares of publishing a dissertation. The pressure of getting your dissertation published is huge. To occupy a place in the science community, scholars need a couple of publications in their name. Yet, many scholars find publishing a research paper quite intimidating. They end up wasting time in coming up with a relevant and appropriate research question. What would aspiring scholars do in such a situation? One option is to break their theses information in chunks.

By using certain sections from the original research, you can write a journal article. Writing a PhD dissertation takes months, or years in terms of data collection and analysis. While you wait for your 500 or more pages dissertation to publish, you can get up to 3 research papers published. Thus, one way to make the most of your intense efforts is to write a research paper out of the thesis.

Why Do I Need To Transform My Dissertation Into A Research Paper?

Your debut research paper publication is the simplest, and most reasonable move. Generating research papers from your finished thesis has several advantages. It is a known fact that a research paper gives the researcher a lot of credibility. As a result, your dissertation is the right place to start when writing your debut research paper. Also, after you’ve written the first research paper, you will reap other rewards too.

Quick, And Easy Way:

Given the amount of time it takes to publish a dissertation, a research paper is easier to publish. This is because you can extract information from any chapter of your PhD dissertation. You can write a research paper out of it as well. Thus, writing a research paper for credible journals is a shortcut. It also gets easier to get it published in your name.

Professional Advancement:

It takes a while to do actual research. Transforming knowledge from your thesis to a research paper is a short process. And it will look great on your Resume too. Also, you may generate one or more research papers based on your dissertation. You will be far ahead of your contemporaries as well. You will have many journal publications under your name by the time your peers get theirs. This aspect will help you advance in the professional phase of your life.

Broader Impact:

It is not surprising that the thesis you write can meet its fate at the institution’s archives section. It is a norm around the world that your thesis can become a part of the institution’s property. Yet when you write a research paper for a credible journal, it reaches a wider audience. And you will not have to wait for your original publication to get published.

Personal Fulfilment:

This aspect always gives a great sense of relief, and satisfaction. When you can publish your research paper for a credible journal you feel successful. Although you don’t have a published research paper, you have a research paper under your name. The effort you have made for your dissertation is vital, and time-consuming. You may get greater exposure and repute for your work, as well as for yourself. It can help you in developing your educational, and professional writing abilities too. Hence transforming your dissertation into research papers is a valuable option. Especially in the instances where it’s for a credible journal.

Is It Permitted To Write A Research Paper From A Thesis, Or Dissertation?

The answer is yes. PhD dissertations are not considered legitimate publications by most scholars. This is why keeping your publisher informed about the provenance of your work is vital. It is a better approach to avoid illegal practices. One of the most credible options within this context is to write a dissertation bibliography page.

You must revise, and change your dissertation before you can publish it as a research paper. You can also avoid self-plagiarism allegations by mentioning the Dissertation in the journal publication. You can paraphrase the text taken from the Dissertation to avoid duplication as well.

Also, you are the exclusive owner of your dissertation. As a result, there will be no difficulties with copyright violations. When you publish a research paper based on your thesis you’re free from allegations. But if you want to be extra cautious, you can enrol as a copyrights author. This way journal publications will accept your research papers without the fear of infringement.

How To Transform Your Dissertation Into A Research Paper For Credible Journals?

If you’re intending to turn a dissertation into a journal article, the following will help you guide in doing so;

Choose The Perfect Journal For Your Research Paper:

Make sure your research paper fits the journal’s mission, and coverage. You also need to examine the journal’s suggested format, and citation style.

Reduce The Length Of Your Dissertation:

Consider your dissertation to be a different piece of work, but refrain from changing the aim. Choose, and transform portions of your thesis as per your educational needs.

Make The Introduction Part The Abstract:

Reduce the introduction to 100-150 words, but keep crucial points for retaining the audience’s interest. Base your abstract on the introduction, and discussion parts.

Change The Introduction Section:

Merge, or focus on only one research hypothesis. Discard all those that are not applicable to your work. Consider recently published papers from the desired journal for this.

Make The Method Section More Concise:

Keep the information about your research strategy brief.

Include The Significant Findings In The Results Section:

Highlight all of the findings within the results section briefly. You can list the key findings briefly through bullet points.

The Discussion Section Must Be Simple And Straightforward:

Start by offering an analysis of your findings. You don’t have to restate your findings.

Place the results in the context of prior evidence. Discuss how your results build on prior held beliefs. Describe how future research may expand on your findings, and how it will overcome the flaws in your research.

Manage And Limit Your Citations:

You need to limit your citations and keep the most up-to-date ones only. Format your citations according to the desired referencing style.

The aim of this guide was to help you with your research paper. It is aimed towards transforming your dissertation into a research paper for credible journals. This guide will help students, and postdoctoral scholars as well. Through this information they can better plan, and structure their research paper publications.