Importance of a Tongue Cleaner and How to Use It

Do you brush twice a day, floss, use mouthwash, and still have bad breath? Well, there is a pink muscular detail you forget: the tongue. It might come as a surprise that 20 billion bacteria are in your mouth at any given time, and your tongue harbors most of them. That’s why your tongue needs regular cleaning. But, how do you do it?

What is a Tongue Cleaner, and Why is it Important?

tongue cleaner or scraper is a device designed to clean the tongue. It removes the surface level of particles that cause an overgrowth of bacteria. You could use your toothbrush to clean the tongue, but it is not quite effective. Scraping out that top layer will leave your tongue feeling fresh.

Here is why cleaning your tongue is important:

Gets Rid of Bad Breath:

Isn’t it embarrassing to have someone turn away because your breath stinks? When you fail to clean your tongue, it becomes covered in layers of bacteria that produce a foul smell. Therefore, tongue cleaning benefits you.

Makes Food Taste Better:

You see that sour taste you get in your mouth when you haven’t brushed? That also affects the flavor of your food. Your tongue is full of taste buds, and cleaning frees them up for more saliva production. That way, your dinner will always taste amazing.

Helps Prevent Cavities:

As long as harmful bacteria are in your mouth, plaque will form. That comes with side effects like cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. Therefore, cleaning both your teeth and tongue will improve oral health. tongue cleaner or scraper is a device designed to clean the tongue. It removes the surface level of particles that cause an overgrowth of bacteria. You could use your toothbrush to clean the tongue, but it is not quite effective. Scraping out that top layer will leave your tongue feeling fresh.

Boosts Your Immune System:

Your tongue is the first point of contact for anything that goes into your mouth. As such, it affects your overall health. When you have lingering bacteria on your tongue, it can find its way down the throat into other parts of the body. Therefore, cleaning your tongue every day removes the bacteria before it spreads.

Improves Appearance of Your Tongue:

That white film that forms on the surface of your tongue is not appealing. At times, it can smell, too. Therefore, make a habit of cleaning your tongue to keep it looking pink and clean.

How Do You Use a Tongue Cleaner?

Follow these straightforward steps to understand how to use a tongue cleaner effectively:

  • Step 1:  Brush and rinse your mouth with water.
  • Step 2:  Stick your tongue out and scrape from the inside towards the tip of the tongue with a tongue cleaner.
  • Step 3: Avoid forward and backward motions as this might bruise your tongue; more importantly, be gentle.
  • Step 4: Once you clean the entire tongue, rinse with water and gargle with mouthwash.


That said, tongue cleaning should be part of your oral care routine.