What is the Best Types of Garage Door Openings

Precise Garage Doors

The world of garage doors is much broader than you can imagine, there are several different types depending on the type of opening.

At Automatismos Naveira we are dedicated to the installation, maintenance and repair of all kinds of automatic doors, as well as gates or security shutters. In this blog post we will tell you about the different types of automatic garage doors currently available according to their type of opening. Stay to read with us.

Sliding doors

These types of doors slide laterally along the wall, so they need more space in the façade to collect when it is necessary to enter or exit.

Folding doors

They are the most common. These are doors that can swing in or out forming a 90-degree angle. Its operation is simple and safe.

Sectional Doors

They are garage doors made from panels that fold and unfold upwards and slide along the ceiling with guides along a rail to remain horizontal, adapting to its inclination. They are one of the most recommended for their comfort, silence and because they can be mounted in any hole in the garage.

Rolling Doors

Its mechanism is like that of the house shutters, rolling up in a drawer, but made of a much more resistant material. They are very easy to install and ideal for optimizing space, gaining some interesting square meters in your garage, business or premises.

Tilting Doors

They are made up of one or two leaves that tilt vertically. They move up and down along the side guides, leaving the sash glued to the ceiling when opened. They are one of the most used because they adapt perfectly to both commercial and industrial uses and even in some shops.

Folding doors

They are very particular, either you hate them or you love them. These types of doors have a series of interconnected panels that, when opened and closed, resemble an accordion. Perhaps they are the most elegant and stylish when it comes to combining with the rest of the home.

What breakdowns are the most typical in garage doors?

As can happen with any electronic component in use, garage doors can break down over time. In most cases, these faults have to do with the motor or some component present in the automation that allows the door to be opened and closed effortlessly. Check this for more details about garage door repair services San Diego at Precisegds.

At Automatismos Naveira we have a complete maintenance service to periodically check the doors of private garages, farms and neighborhood communities and also an efficient breakdown repair service that you can count on if your garage door has stopped working. Today we will tell you about the main breakdowns that we are used to solving.

The knob

The easiest fault to repair and for which sometimes it is not even necessary for us to go to the garage in question is the one that has to do with the remote control with which we operate the garage door. A shock or misconfiguration of the remote control can force us to replace the remote with a new one or reconfigure the controls so that everything returns to normal and the door continues to be used without problems. In these cases it is always better to have at least one more spare remote to be able to know in a few seconds if the problem is with the door or the remote. Other times the problem is solved with a simple change of batteries.

Signal Reception

Another of the frequent problems that have nothing to do with the command, but are related to it, are those that occur in the signal reception device. In order for a door to be opened with the remote control, a component capable of receiving the signal that we activate with the button and that activates the door automation for its opening or closing must be enabled. If this reception does not work because it has been damaged or broken as a result of a blow, the door will stop working.

The Motor

Engine problems are the most complex and expensive to fix. If the engine has burned out due to overexertion or has stopped working, sometimes you will have no choice but to change it. Other minor problems but that are also related to the parts that the motor has to open and close the garage door are the cables that make the connections, which can become loose or stop working and will need to be replaced.


As with elevators, garage doors have a safety cell that prevents the door from closing if it detects that there is something in the way. If this photocell stops working and, therefore, the door receives the signal that there is something blocking the closing, our door will open, but we will never be able to close it because the security system will prevent it. The repair of the photocell will then be of vital importance.