Tomás Lauría – Live Show Performer In Miami

Tomás Lauría

Tomás Lauria, a young Venezuelan artist was born on March 30, 1997, in Caracas, Venezuela. He pursued higher education at Florida International University. He studied music at Berklee College of Music. Tomás Lauría began his musical career by studying jazz, piano, and drums under Gerry Weil, a well-known composer at the time. His voice is relaxing, with musical skills. Political upheaval forced him to flee his homeland and go to Miami, Florida, where he studied at Florida University. Tomás Lauría pursued his musical enthusiasm in Miami, where he became interested in certain Latin music production. He is now regarded as one of the top musicians of the younger generation. His vocal talents came as a surprise when music was at its peak. Lauría is one of the youngest musicians in Miami, and his talent is worth appreciation. He has been promoting Venezuelan music around the globe.

Tomás Lauría

Tomás Lauría is currently working on 3 genres, Latin pop, hip hop, and R&B. On YouTube, he has posted 4 songs so far and showed his talent more professionally. His song “La Lluvia”, has been a great hit with 59k views. “La Lluvia” is a Latin pop song that was released on Dec 7, 2021, on YouTube and proved to be Lauría’s greatest success so far. Another song “EN LAS NUBES”, which was released just a month ago on YouTube has gathered more than 20k views so far. His latest song “Cerveza Helada” was released just a week ago and is expected to get more than 100k views as there is a great number of increasing fans and listeners.

At such young age, he has played at a number of concerts around the country. With his distinctive musical voice, Tomás Lauría captures everyone’s heart, particularly when he seamlessly blends with the guitar. Despite the fact that he has just recently begun his career in a distinct urban genre. On Instagram and YouTube, Tomás Lauría’s music is getting huge popularity. On Spotify, he has roughly 995 monthly listeners, with an average of 39 Miami listeners, and is constantly increasing with the passage of time. He has been making appealing music and rhythms since he was a teenager.  In Miami, he has become a well-known musician and now has his fan base around Miami and Venezuela as well. An interesting thing about Thomas Lauría is that he likes to create and post his content all by himself. All his social media posts are created, edited, and posted by himself. Lauría as he is very passionate about his music loves to perform live. He can be seen in any local social lounge, or a live singing show nearby. In his latest Instagram post, he can be seen performing live nearby Miami.

Out of his 80 Instagram posts, he is mostly performing live shows and concerts in Miami. You can also enjoy his soothing voice and music in a nearby location in Miami.

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