Discover the benefits of goat’s milk for the skin. Purifying, soothing, regulating, anti-aging and moisturizing, it has it all! Goat’s milk, cow’s milk, sheep’s milk, donkey’s milk… Each milk has its benefits! In Slow Cosmetics, we sometimes like to use dairy products to take care of our skin, if theyContinue Reading

AdvancedMD EHR

About AdvancedMD EHR Features AdvancedMD’s EMR system offers an extensive variety that can assist providers to streamline medical encounters. Have a look at the important capabilities reviewed. Ease of Use AdvancedMD software requires a widespread mastering curve. With some schooling, however, customers can navigate through the easy, properly-organized person interfaceContinue Reading

medical billing company

How to Clean Medical Claims?  It’s no news that medical billing company are rejecting far more claims than they were a year or two ago. To avoid long delays or nonpayment, practices must devote more time and effort to proper filings. An industry expert discusses why things have changed andContinue Reading