Patient Management Software System: Features and Benefits

Patient Management Software System - intely

A patient management software system collects medical data from medical devices and aids in patient diagnosis. It is a medical gadget that contributes to the patient’s treatment by delivering appropriate treatment and obviating the need for a physician’s decision.

There are many features and benefits of a patient management software system that helps you understand better. So, let’s cover about patient management software system.

What is a patient management software system?

Clinic management software, patient management software, medical patient software, and medical practice management software are all terms used to describe a patient management system. 

Healthcare institutions such as medical clinics or hospitals refer to several efficient automated systems that track patient information, diagnoses, prescriptions, interactions, and encounters.

These software programs are designed to help with general patient care, while others help with specific processes like inpatient tracking or blood tests. However, they all have one thing in common they make your job as a caregiver easier and more manageable.

How do you manage patient management?

All patient management tools, it’s reasonable to conclude, have an impact on the entire patient experience. As a result, practices, and hospitals examine their systems, whether it’s an online tool to make scheduling appointments easier or a way to communicate with a physician.

Patients are the clients at medical offices. Keeping them pleased has become a principal responsibility. Physicians are also exploring ways to improve patient care and strengthen relationships between trips to the office. 

Office workers frequently require tools to automate administrative duties and collect data. Patient management may accomplish all of this and more while also saving money.

Features of patient management software system:

  • Patient intake forms:

Patients can fill out their appointment forms online or offline using patient management software that provides customizable forms. It also gathers insurance eligibility information and incorporates a response flow into any encounter notes. 

Before their visit, it generates an electronic intake of appointments. The patient can check-in electronically once they arrive.

The system can also track the wait time to undertake performance analysis. The software automates the checkout process after the appointment, including patient follow-up appointment scheduling.

  • Medical billing:

Payment information is tracked by patient management software. Medical billing verifies insurance and guarantees that everyone receives an equal reimbursement when a patient checks in.

It also automates the billing process and payment collection. It also sends payment reminders if a payment is missed, and patients can pay online through the software.

  • Electronic medical records (EMR):

It uses electronic storage and access to patient files. For example, a charting module in an electronic medical record (EMR) collects and retains patient data such as current medications, previous diagnoses, and lab test results.

  • Scheduling:

Scheduling is the most crucial component of a PMS. Patients can arrange appointments online using a patient portal when scheduling. They can also use the system to postpone and cancel their appointments. 

The software then sends reminders by message, text, or phone call after the appointment has been arranged. When appointments are due, scheduling software can send out reminders. 

Staff and physicians can book appointments in the same system instead of switching between separate systems using some PMS software.

Benefits of patient management software system:

Providers, both large and small, can profit from patient management information systems. Here are a few examples:

  • Ease overburdened staff:

One of the major reasons for high healthcare expenses is administrative staffing. However, medical clinics and hospitals can save administrative costs by automating common activities like patient flow management. 

It accomplishes this by lowering the number of data entry activities required of your front-desk workers, allowing them to maximize their working hours. It also aids efficiency by allowing the same number of employees to conduct better, more meaningful work by lightening burdens.

  • Practice management:

Independent organizations benefit substantially from patient/practice management systems due to their restricted resources. For example, patient management software may help from recordkeeping to charts to appointment scheduling to claims processing and invoicing in a medical office.

While larger companies may need to purchase different software solutions for each of these needs, small businesses may be able to get all they need in one convenient package.

With MPM, providers have immediate access to patient information and a dependable means for updating charts, marking prescriptions, and other critical information. In addition, billing and bookkeeping accuracy keep the practice running smoothly and ensures that your financial condition is in order.

  • Timely patient care:

Larger clinics and hospitals can reap comparable benefits as smaller ones, with the added benefit of streamlining patient-related activities. However, the scheduling functions of MPM are critical to operations in big practices with a high patient flow. 

A well-organized patient intake flow may differ between a calm, orderly waiting room and a hive of irritation and anger. 

Thorough management software allows for fast record transfers, improves patient workflow, and avoids treatment mistakes caused by incomplete or erroneous paper records. 

The best patient management software allows doctors to provide their patients with quick, accurate, and high-quality care.

  • Organization:

Do you recall when hospital charts were in filing cabinets in the basement? Astonishingly, anyone was ever treated well. In practice management software, charting modules is available to save patient data, charts, appointments, and billing information in a single digital file. 

Digital storage conserves space, resulting in a cleaner, more pleasant workplace with fewer stressed employees. In addition, because digital information is more secure than paper files, patient management technologies help clinics and hospitals comply with HIPAA privacy laws.

  • Day-to-day operations:

Many administrative tasks may be reduced and standardized by using automated process management, enabling medical practitioners to focus on what they do best: patient care. 

As a result, employees may notice improvements that make their jobs more enjoyable. In addition, when the individuals who offer care are happy and healthy, patients benefit from a greater quality of value-based medical treatment.

Efficiency, accuracy, and fewer errors directly enhance the facility’s bottom line. In addition, patients who receive good care from a caring and knowledgeable medical team are more likely to return to the clinic and suggest their friends. 

Clinics and hospitals may expand their patient capacity with the right management systems while still providing high-quality care. More patients equal more money.


The only way to ensure the success of your organization, no matter how brilliant your treatment procedures are, is to communicate effectively with your patients. Patient management software allows you to stay in touch with your patients without lifting a finger. 

intelyConnect offers a no-code and low-code approach to healthcare data integration and interoperability. intelyConnect helps you to manage your patient management system with our integration solutions.