A newborn’s world is a lot to take in. Between the bright lights, new sounds, and strange faces, it’s no wonder they often cry during their first days of life. One way to help soothe a fussy baby is to swaddle them in Baby swaddle wraps. Swaddling has been shown to have many benefits for newborns, including reducing crying, promoting better sleep, and helping to regulate their body temperature. There are also many different ways to swaddle a baby, so it can be tailored to fit each individual child.
If you are new to Baby swaddle wraps, it may take a little practice to get it right. But once you do, you will see how much your baby enjoys it. Swaddling can help your baby sleep through the night and get more restful sleep.
Here are reasons why you should swaddle your baby:
Swaddling Soothes
Swaddling a newborn has been proven to soothe and calm them. It recreates the sensation of being in the womb and can help a baby to fall asleep more easily. There are many different ways to swaddle a baby, but using a wrap is one of the most popular methods. Swaddling wraps are made of soft fabric and have Velcro or ties to keep the baby snugly wrapped up. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and can be used for both boys and girls.

Swaddling Prevents Startle Reflex
A recent study found that swaddling also helps prevent the startle reflex. The startle reflex can cause newborns to wake up easily and can be disruptive during sleep.
The study, which was published in the journal Pediatrics, found that swaddled infants had a 58% lower risk of experiencing the startle reflex. The study involved 972 healthy infants who were randomly assigned to either a swaddling group or a control group. Infants in the swaddling group were wrapped tightly in a cloth wrap for the first month of life.
Infants who were not swaddled experienced the startle reflex more often and had more difficulty falling asleep.
Swaddling Keeps Baby Warmer
One way to help keep a baby warm is to swaddle them in a wrap. Swaddling helps to keep a baby’s body temperature more stable and can also help prevent them from waking up because they are cold. Swaddling can also help calm a baby and can make it easier for them to sleep. Babies who are not swaddled tend to move around more and this can lead to them being cold.
Swaddling Reduces Crying
Babies cry for a number of reasons: hunger, fatigue, boredom, or pain. For some babies, crying is just their way of communicating with us. However, for many babies, crying can be frustrating and overwhelming for both the baby and the caregiver. There is some scientific evidence to support this claim. A study published in Pediatrics found that infants who were swaddled cried less and had better sleep patterns than those who were not.
Final Thoughts
Swaddle wraps come in a variety of different sizes and materials, so it is important to choose one that is best suited for your baby. They can be purchased at most baby stores or online, and are generally affordable. If you are unsure of how to swaddle your baby, there are many instructional videos online that can show you how.