Keeping Your Dental Implant Clean & Hygienic

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Dental implants can be referred to as artificial tooth roots that are placed in the mouth. A sturdy base for permanent or removable tooth replacement that is custom-made to match your original teeth is provided by dental implants. It is a metal device that is attached to your jaw below the gum line and onto which false teeth can be attached with the help of surgery. Osseointegration is the process through which metal implants become permanently attached to your bone. This procedure gives consistent assistance you can rely on when eating and conversing.

You must keep your dental implants clean. Not taking care of your implants can result in severe tooth damage and additional repair costs. Visit a dentist in Torrance, CA, for expert advice on dental implants. If you have preferences, female dentists in Torrance are also available.

Why are cleaning and care for dental implants essential?

Cleaning and care for dental implants are essential for ensuring that they retain their beauty and usefulness for as long as possible. Peri-implantation is an inflammatory disorder that affects dental implants’ hard and soft tissues. 

If you do not protect and care for your implant placement, you may increase your risk of developing it. If left untreated, peri-implantation can result in the loss of bone and the failure of the dental implant. 

Maintaining your dental implants regularly, on the other hand, can help you reduce your chance of developing peri-implantation and preserve a bright, healthy, and appealing smile for many years to come.

The everyday maintenance of dental implants is quite comparable to the treatment of natural teeth in terms of consistency and effectiveness. Dental implants that have been restored should be cleaned twice a day using a toothbrush and floss. After a meal, it is extremely necessary to clean up.

Tips To Keep Your Dental Implants Clean And Hygienic

Following these tips can help you keep your dental implants clean and hygienic:

Opting for a soft-bristled toothbrush

Soft bristles are much less likely to cause harm to your gums or bleeding, and they are just as good at eliminating tartar and plaque as moderate or firm bristles at the same time. In studies, electric toothbrushes outperformed manual toothbrushes in terms of disrupting and removing bacteria from teeth. This is because of the fact that they generate a greater number of strokes than when manually hand brushed. Whether you opt for an electronic or conventional toothbrush, make sure the bristles are soft and gentle on your teeth.

Floss properly

A water flossier, also referred to as an oral or dental water irrigation, is a device that disturbs and kills germs up to 6 mm deep in the mouth. Many dentists recommend water flosses over dental floss because certain forms of floss will remove particles that can cause peri-implantation (gum disease around the implant). That is why it is important to use a water flossier to ensure that all bacteria and germs are flushed out of your mouth and that your mouth remains clean.

Do not drink and smoke

It is beneficial to your physical health to refrain from smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages. You must, however, avoid doing these things when you are wearing dental implants. Always keep in mind that dental implants require around six months to heal; therefore, smoking throughout this time might be quite risky. The consumption of alcoholic beverages has also been shown to slow down the recovery process of dental implants; thus, avoiding doing so to the greatest extent possible.

Brush two times in a day

Brushing your teeth first thing in the morning when you wake up helps prevent the morning odor and destroys the bacteria accumulated in your mouth overnight. Additionally, cleaning your teeth the night before sleeping destroys bacteria gathered throughout the day and reduces the likelihood of plaque build-up and tooth loss the following morning. In addition, many dentists advocate brushing after a meal or at some point during the day when bits of food and germs need to be removed, especially if you have dental implants, to ensure that they do not become contaminated with bacteria and become damaged.

Use correct toothpaste

Utilize toothpaste that does not contain abrasive elements such as baking soda or remover agents.  Alternatively, contact your orthodontist for toothpaste recommendations if you cannot find any that are specifically designed for use with dental implants.

Brush around the implant

Bacteria and plaque can collect underneath the implant crown, increasing the likelihood of developing peri-implantation (periodontists). If your implant is at the back of your mouth, you may want to use a tilted toothbrush or an inter dental brush with a small head to get to these hard-to-reach places.

Visit the dentist often

Routine dental examinations and expert cleanings allow your dentist to ensure that your implants are fully functioning and that your oral health is in good working order.

Avoid bleach

The use of oral products containing bleach can cause dentures to become weak and discolored, while the use of chlorine-based treatments can cause dentures and implants to corrode and damage the metal pieces.

Final thoughts

These are some of the suggestions that can assist you in maintaining the cleanliness and hygienic condition of your dental implants. Aside from this, receiving proper tooth implant therapy and deep cleaning is also necessary in order to increase the longevity of the implants.

There are many side effects to not taking care of your implants. It is very important for you to keep your dental implants clean and hygienic with the help of the best dentist near you. Implants might cause problems if they don’t maintain it on a daily basis. In most cases, the first symptom of a problem is the sight of bleeding. According to the most recent scientific research, doctors can treat this condition  effectively and even reverse it if they discover it early enough. Unfortunately, if the infection proceeds to the point of causing bone loss, commonly known as peri-implantation, the deterioration cannot be reversed. If it is not treated, it can progress to the point of requiring the removal of the implant. Fortunately, there is a treatment option.

Contact a dental office near you to get your implants cleaned soon.