Important Umrah Visa Rules and Requirements

Important Umrah Visa and Requirements

Umrah is not an essay journey because it is a spiritual journey. But it can be performed at any time of year except five days for Hajj. Umrah is a great Sunnah because in this you can get many advantages. The most edge is to be the guest of Lord. On this trip, you can visit the different Holy and historical places of Islam. To know “Important Umrah Visa Rules and Requirements” are essential.

Pilgrims visit Al-Haram mosque, Al-Nabvi mosque, etc. So Umrah is only performed in the country of Saudi Arabia. Foreign Muslims require a permit to enter this country, and this permit is called Umrah Visa.

The principle of the Umrah Visa is simple to an old time. Now you will not need the help of a travel agent regarding this permit. And you don’t even have to wait two to three weeks to get it. Nowadays, it is possible to get Umrah E-visa online within 24 hours.

You can apply for your visa, but it is best to seek the help of a specialist, a travel agent or someone else. Some hurdles can increase 24 Hours duration from 2 to 3 days. 

Therefore take advantage of the best travel agency for Umrah Visa. Agencies provide Umrah Packages with the Visas. You can get different services in these Umrah Packages that make your trip remarkable.

Some Important Umrah Visa Rules:

  1. The passport must be valid for at least six months.
  2. Two passport size photographs with a white background are required.
  3. Complete the Umrah application carefully.
  4. Umrah visa is valid for 30 days only, but it depends on the applicant what he mentions in his application.
  5. After Ramadan, an Umrah visa will not issue. This type of visa will be re-issued only after Hajj, so you will have to wait 2 months after Ramadan.
  6. The electronic visa will be issued within 24 hours. So, anyone can get a copy of the visa. And you will not get a stamped visa on your passport.
  7. Umrah Visa will be issued to that person who is a citizen of the country where he lives or has a permanent residency. Without residency proof, getting a visa will not be obtained. 
  8. According to the rules, no one can stay after Ramadan and if one wants to celebrate Eid there and fly at night, it is impractical for him. If he stays longer than one day, he can be fined.
  9. This time Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has ended an extra pay of 2000 SAR on performing Umrah again in one year. Now Muslims can perform Umrah as they want in one month and year. 
  10. A single woman can’t get an Umrah Visa without any Mahram. She will need a Mahram to perform Umrah. If her age is above or equal to 45 then she will need a permission letter from Mahram. In this letter, Mahram shows he doesn’t have any objection to her performing Umrah alone.
  11. Less than 12 years old can’t apply for an Umrah visa. Because Saudi Government has not allowed these aged children to perform Umrah. 
  12. If someone stays in Saudi Arabia too long, their agent is fined or blacklisted for re-issuing a visa. 
  13. Two passport size photographs with a white background will require. 


We should follow all Umrah visa rules so that we can perform Umrah. Because every Muslim has a dream to perform it at least once time. If we do not follow the rules, then it will be difficult for us to perform Umrah.

May Allah allow us to perform UmrahAmeen