How to Get Rid of Mucus Cough Quickly – 5 Effective Ways

How to Get Rid of Mucus Cough Quickly

How to get rid of mucus cough is one of the most common questions that plague those who suffer from this illness. But the truth is that there isn’t just one quick fix that will solve the problem right away.

Luckily, there are various methods you can try out and a lot of over-the-counter products that may help you get rid of mucus cough quickly and easily. Here are 5 different ways to get rid of mucus cough that has been proven effective by real users.

5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Mucus Cough

When you have a mucus cough, it’s really important to get rid of it as quickly as possible. If you leave the mucus in your throat and lungs, you can develop secondary infections that can make your cold symptoms worse, keep you from being able to sleep or leave you with long-term problems like asthma.

Here are five ways to get rid of mucus cough quickly and keep yourself healthy.

1. Drink lots of water

Dehydration causes mucus and dry coughs. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Your body needs water to flush out toxins and keep organs working properly.

It also prevents constipation, which can exacerbate coughing spells and make it harder for your body to get rid of mucus buildup. Drink at least eight glasses per day.

2. Avoid dairy products

Dairy products may sound like they are good for you, but they can actually cause mucus. Milk contains too much fat and may make you more prone to sinus infections and congestion.

To avoid milk and dairy products, drink green tea instead of milk or cream, use low-fat yoghurt in place of sour cream, and use soy milk instead of cow’s milk. Avoid the following dairy products:

  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Butter
  • casein
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Custard
  • ice cream

If you have food allergies or are lactose intolerant, it may be better for your health to get rid of dairy products altogether. See a nutritionist for help with adjusting your diet if necessary.

3. Sleep on your back

Sleeping on your back can help prevent mucus buildup. Sleeping on your side is not recommended, as it may prevent drainage from one nostril to another, which in turn causes irritation and swelling.

If you wake up with a stuffy nose, don’t blow your nose or sniff for a long time; instead, use a nasal decongestant spray so you can fall back asleep faster. You should also keep tissues by your bedside. Don’t go rummaging around in your room trying to find one when that first tickle makes itself known.

Keep water by your bedside too. If the urge strikes at 3 am and there is no water in the bedroom, you will have to get out of bed, grab a glass off the nightstand (tip: set one out before bed), pour some water into it and then go back to sleep. Not worth all that trouble just for a sip of water.

4. Use a Neti Pot to Flush Out Sinuses

If you have watery eyes, runny nose, and mucus congestion in your chest, but don’t have a cold or allergy symptoms, try using a neti pot. The neti pot is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy that uses warm salt water to flush out your sinuses.

  • You simply mix warm water with salt until it dissolves.
  • Then tilt your head slightly forward
  • Pour the solution into one nostril while letting it drain out through your other nostril (Don’t worry—you won’t drown. it takes less than a minute for all of it to run out.)

If done regularly, you can get rid of excess mucus in no time at all.

5. Inhale steam from boiling water

Coughing helps relieve mucus from your throat and sinuses but often makes you feel even more stuffy. Inhaling steam from a pot on your stove or a hot shower can help loosen up your throat, open your nasal passages, and make it easier to cough up gunk that is stuck deep in your lungs.

Just be careful not to overdo it as Boiling water can burn you if you get too close. Be sure to drink lots of water, too.

Other effective ways you can try at home

You can also try adding vitamin C supplements to your diet by adding herbs like Ginger. It is an excellent herb that helps clear up mucus as well as bacteria from the body.

It does this by aiding digestion, alleviating inflammation, and increasing circulation throughout the body. You can either take ginger capsules, add ground ginger to tea or consume fresh ginger juice twice daily on an empty stomach (try juicing the entire root).

Change Your Diet: Most people eat the same thing day after day when they go grocery shopping. They end up eating high amounts of unhealthy sugars and fats which create congestive symptoms because their bodies do not know how to deal with these foods properly.

Some people find relief from changing their diets by eliminating certain types of food or meats altogether. Changing your diet could also mean switching to a plant-based lifestyle and adopting healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, limiting alcohol intake, etc.

Some dietary changes might even require seeing a nutritionist who can tailor an individualized plan based on what you want out of life and what foods work best for your body type.

Medication for cough

You can treat coughs with medications like Asthakind cough syrup and Benadryl syrup. Some people find that simple over-the-counter remedies do nothing, while others report they work wonders. If you are suffering from a cough and looking for fast relief, consider these five options