How to Clean Your Le Creuset Cookware – The Simple Way!

How to Clean Your Le Creuset Cookware

Your Le Creuset cookware is probably the best investment you’ll ever make for your home. It will last for years, and years, and years. But, like most things in life, even the best investment won’t come cheap. Luckily, there are simple ways to keep your Le Creuset cookware looking its very best for years to come. And, even if you’re not yet ready to ditch your old pots and pans, you definitely will be once you discover how to clean your Le Creuset cookware – the right way!

A Le Creuset is a cast iron cookware manufacturer known for its unique, heavy-duty construction and scratch-resistant finish. The company was founded in 1891 and is headquartered in France. They started making cast iron cookware in the early 1900s, and their cookware is still made with the same methods and materials used back then.

If you’re in the market for some top-notch cookware, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to discover everything you need to know about how to clean your Le Creuset cookware – the simple way.

Get to Know Your Le Creuset


Since Le Creuset is a French company, most of its cookware is made in France. There are, however, a few factories around the world that make Le Creuset cookware. One of them is located in Indonesia, where the majority of Le Creuset cookware is manufactured.

The majority of Le Creuset cookware is manufactured in France. However, a few factories around the world make Le Creuset cookware. One of them is located in Indonesia, where the majority of Le Creuset cookware is manufactured.


Brush Clean


If your Le Creuset cookware is 10 or more years old, you should consider hiring a professional to clean it. It’s not just the finish that needs cleaning. The inside of the pots and pans as well as the exterior of the pots and pans need to be scrubbed clean. Not only does this get rid of any remaining food and water impurities, it also gets rid of any residual oil and fat left behind by the fatty foods you’ve been cooking with.

If you’re not a pro, or you’d rather do it yourself, a scrubbing sponge and a bucket of water are the best tools to get the job done. If you have a hard time scrubs and buckets in this day and age, you can also use a mild bleach solution to clean your Le Creuset cookware.


Scrub Clean


When it comes to scrubbing your Le Creuset cookware, a mild solution of baking soda and water does the trick. If you don’t have any baking soda around, you can also use lemon juice. Scrubbing your pots and pans with a combination of lemon juice, baking soda, and water will clean them thoroughly and quickly.


Don’t Forget the Wire Brush


One of the easiest ways to keep your Le Creuset cookware looking brand new is to scrub it with a wire brush. These brushes are made for cleaning Cast Iron cookware, so you should definitely consider getting one for your Le Creuset cookware. A wire brush is a special kind of brush that is designed to work on Cast Iron cookware.

The bristles are made out of iron, so they’re super durable and won’t scratch your pots and pans. When it comes to cleaning your Le Creuset cookware, a wire brush is a must.


Brush Out the Frying Pans


If you know you’ll be leaving your Le Creuset cookware out for long periods of time, you may want to consider switching to a non-stick pan. While non-stick cookware is great for searing meat and fish, it’s not the best for a diet that includes eggs.

Eggs need to be gently poached, and a non-stick pan makes this process harder. Plus, because the eggs are gently released from the shell, you get a mess when you’re done.

If you’re willing to give up some of the benefits of non-stick cookware for the sake of a healthier diet, consider investing in a non-stick skillet. While they’re not as scratch-resistant as a cast iron skillet, non-stick skillets are easy to clean and maintain.


Are All Le Creuset Cookware Hand Wash Only?


While most companies recommend hand washing your Le Creuset cookware, you should also be aware that some cast iron pots and skillets can be hand washed separately. If you choose to hand wash these pots and pans, you don’t need to use a special soap or detergent.

Just use a mild soap with a scrubbing sponge and water. While a scrubbing sponge is a good idea even when using non-stick cookware, it’s even better when using cast iron. Alo gets the Best Microwave at cheap


Avoid Chemical Cleaners


Not only are chemicals harmful to your health, but they can also damage your cookware. When it comes to cleaning your Le Creuset cookware, you don’t want to risk running into chemical cleaners and degreasers when cleaning with chemicals.

Instead, use a natural cooking method like oiling your pots and pans with coconut oil or butter. You can also use coconut or olive oil to cook with.

When it comes to your Le Creuset cookware, natural oil like coconut or olive oil will keep your cookware from getting Stingers.




Your Le Creuset cookware is likely one of the most valuable investments you’ll make for your home. It will last for years, and years, and years. But, like most things in life, even the best investment won’t come cheap. Luckily, there are simple ways to keep your Le Creuset cookware looking its very best for years to come. And, even if you’re not yet ready to ditch your old pots and pans, you definitely will be once you discover how to clean your Le Creuset cookware – the right way! 

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