The Google Play logo is one of the company’s most iconic images you’ll instantly recognize when you’re perusing your Android phone. A new change is in the works to make a slight tweak to the Play Store logo with some new colors, but you’d be forgiven for not even noticing the change once it arrives. The logo has arrived already in a small capacity, but it’s unlikely you’ve come across it so far.
What you must understand
There are some minor visual changes to the Google Play Store logo.
More softened triangle corners and darker hues are a couple of the noticeable modifications.
When using Google Pay or GPay to complete a transaction, the minor update currently appears.
The shopping bag icon was replaced with a new triangle design when Google last updated the Play Store logo five years ago. The Play Store symbol now appears to be getting a modest visual update.
Although it isn’t yet the Play Store’s primary logo, 9to5Google has noticed that it is prominently shown in GPay and Google Pay before any other apps. The new logo is displayed in a tiny, low-resolution version at the top of the transaction details when you make a Play Store purchase. It’s challenging to see the change, but if you side-by-side compare the two, the colours and shapes are noticeably different.
Google’s app store has a significantly modified logo, as noted by 9to5Google(opens in new tab), with darker hues and more rounded corners for the entire triangle. A low-resolution version of the logo at the top of a Google Pay or GPay details page displays the change. However, the Play Store logo itself has not yet received the fresh coat of paint.
Because it is displayed as a tiny replica of the logo on a Play Store transaction page, many consumers might momentarily overlook the change. Google’s initial rollout of the revamp and the extent of its availability are both unknown.
Having said that, things start to make more sense if you examine the change more closely and contrast it with the existing design. The triangle’s blue and green colours quickly stand out as being darker than before. They are now getting closer to Google’s brand colours.
When Google plans to make it accessible on Android phones is presently unknown. It would have been the ideal element of a significant update to the online Play Store, but Google might not have finished such a difficult task in time.
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Even if the logo hasn’t undergone a significant change, you’ll be able to tell the difference as soon as it appears in more locations on the Play Store.
There appear to be variations in the yellow and red hues, though they are initially less obvious. The blue and green appear to be darker tones than we’ve previously observed. Additionally, the triangle’s corners are now more rounded than before. Even though the Play logo hasn’t undergone a complete transformation, this alteration will be noticeable when it goes into full effect.
The Play Store logo was last updated by Google in 2017 when the shopping bag element was removed. The Play logo hasn’t undergone any significant changes in the past five or so years, and this latest modification more closely matches the brand’s primary colours.
It’s not clear when Google changed the Play Store logo or whether this is a long-term adjustment that will eventually affect all versions of Android. If true, it can happen gradually before spreading to the ecosystem as a whole.