Fastest Way to Learn Noorani Qaida Online

Noorani Qaida

Once you’ve memorized the Quran in Arabic, it’s time to move on to the holy book in Urdu, otherwise known as Noorani Qaida.

Memorizing this isn’t as hard as it sounds—if you learn it one ayah (verse) at a time, with plenty of repetition.

In fact, this method of learning can help you master Noorani Qaida faster than any other method!

Here are some tips on how to learn Noorani Qaida online effectively and quickly.

Set A Goal

An online platform which can provide a goal driven experience. You set your goals (such as number of Qaida, themes and etc.)

And it gives you a plan, keeps track of progress (number of verses learnt daily), test scores, evaluates your performance and much more.

It’s pretty easy if you are disciplined enough, so it can help achieve/maintain goals efficiently.

Anyways as they say nothing comes easy, it all comes with sacrifice :). You’ll need discipline in learning Noorani Qaida or any other task for that matter.

Motivation is crucial in achieving anything big! Self-motivation is what would keep me going during times where I’m unmotivated.

Figure Out Your Style

Everyone learns at a different pace, so it’s important to figure out what works best for you.

Some people enjoy learning online with videos; others find that classroom settings better suit their learning style.

It’s also a good idea to look into some of the fundamentals of Islam, because they’ll provide context and understanding for what you’re learning.

Finally, make sure you start with a basic text before moving on to more difficult texts–you don’t want your progress impeded by having to backtrack!

Noorani Qaida is one of many standard texts used in Urdu-speaking communities; other options include Tafseer E Qur’an and Ma’ariful Qur’an.

Once you find something that works for you, stick with it until your mastery is complete!

Set Time Aside Daily

Learning one page of Noorani Qaida each day over a period of 3-6 months will give you a good working knowledge of it.

Before starting, choose how many days per week you’ll study (at least 2). And how many pages you’ll study each day (the recommended amount is 1).

Keep in mind that it may take longer to start retaining what you’re learning. Remember: don’t try and force yourself to read anything – understanding Arabic well comes from repetition, especially with sounds.

If you need an online course, sites like Arab Academy and Learn Arabic alphabet will teach basic concepts as well as allow for self-paced learning.

Make sure to get someone who speaks Arabic to correct your pronunciation; most Arabs are happy to help!

Keep A Routine

The smartest way to learn Noorani Qaida is through setting a regular routine. The first step would be finding a time of day that works best for you, as well as sticking with it.

You should also start off with a set amount of verses or pages every day. Keeping up your routine will enable you to memorize more in less time, because it helps reinforce what you’ve already learned.

To accomplish that, take short breaks in between your learning sessions so you don’t mix up what verses you were learning at what time.

Having shorter breaks can also help avoid exhaustion and increase concentration; either are setbacks for memorization efforts.

Take Regular Breaks

The Quran is over 100,000 words long, meaning it can take even experienced reciters multiple sessions to finish reading a single chapter.

If you’re looking for a complete solution and would prefer not to piecemeal lessons together yourself.

There are now plenty of online tools for learning Noorani Qaida—some that can be used as standalone platforms. And others that function as add-ons for your phone or computer.

Thankfully, most providers provide learners with useful feedback on their progress and provide daily synopses.

The key is committing to regular learning sessions with enough breaks in between. And we recommend trying a handful of different options before settling on one method or platform.

You’ll quickly realize which fit best into your busy schedule!

Recognize Your Progress

We may think that we are memorizing well, but it’s hard to know for sure if our progress is being recognized by anyone else.

Our families might say we’re doing a great job, but they also have every reason to be biased.

If you really want proof of your progress, take a test online. You can find several free tests on video sites.

Ad apps like Test-tube and Memorize which will show you your score as you take each quiz—helping you gauge.

How much more studying you need before you’re ready to recite Noorani Qaida correctly in public!