Answering Services: How Your Agents’ Tone Impacts Business


There are multiple reasons why in-person customer dealing is efficient. You use more than your words; body language, expression, gestures, and way of talking. However, answering services are not behind. Most of the customer interactions take place over the phone or chat. 

Your tone matters more when you are communicating over the phone. It is what you use to influence a consumer and leave a positive image about your company. You can tell from your customer’s tone what they feel, whether excited, bored, frustrated, or happy.

This is why your tone matters a lot, and this area is of significance. You need to practice to perfect it because you will lose customers only once, but the effect stays for a lifetime. So, this blog sheds light on how the tone of voice leaves an impact on your brand and everything else to boost your CX.

The Importance of Tone for Reliable Support Service: 

Human beings are a sea of emotion; the customer is the king of this deep. No matter where you interact, emotional awareness is quite crucial for brands. Just because a customer can’t see you does not mean the interaction will be any easier. Actually, it is relatively challenging for your reps to maintain a positive experience.

Are you aware of the 7-38-55 rule? It states that a customer communication consists of three facts:

  1. Words
  2. Tone of voice
  3. Body language

7 means that only seven percent of the communication is about words. On the other hand, 38% of your conversation relies on the tone you use. Finally, your body languages make up a significant 55% of your communication. Hence 7-38-55.

But, the phone answering services do not comprise your body language. So, being devoid of that 55% will allow us more space to focus on our tone of voice.
So, your CX comes down to your words and mostly style your agents use.

It was studied that about 30% of reps sound tired and stressed in a call center. About 40% admitted that it was wearisome to talk on the call. You need to maintain a standard tone style to improve your CX and retain them for longer.

Let’s take a quick look at why your tone is essential:

  1. Exceptional Brand Perception
  2. Increase Customer Loyalty
  3. Boost CX

1. Exceptional Brand Perception:

Your workforce is the frontrunner of your business. Communication with a rep sets the customer’s perception of your company. Therefore, your agents’ voice must show your business value. Try to be subtle with their profiles and handle queries and concerns warmly. You want to leave a perception that you are the friendliest of all.

2. Increase Customer Loyalty: 

Always remember that a friendly voice tone boosts your customer relations. A lot of people interact with call centers to resolve the issue regarding big brands. Maintaining a warm and cordial voice will put your consumer at ease and reap trust that you can address their query. This way, your customers will be able to communicate openly and share their concerns with you. In addition, it is a surefire technique to calm down irate customers.

3. Boost CX: 

It is established now your voice of tone is what affects the mood and perfection of your consumers. You can deliver a positive CX with reliable phone answering services. It results in increased satisfaction, leading to a higher NTS and CSAT score.

Ways to Improve the Tone of Your Voice: 

Match Your Caller’s Tone: 

Brands need to make sure their agents’ tone is quite polite and friendly. You do not need to overdo it, as many try to maintain a professional voice that would put the customer off. For example, when the caller is frustrated, you do not want to speak in a monotonous, excited voice.

It is vital that you match your caller’s tone to serve them on a personal level. You can speak lightly when they have a soft and casual style. In contrast, you can sound calm and understanding when the customer is irate. It would be best if you were the one taking the lead to communicate on the same level.

Adopt an Empathetic Style: 

Following the pandemic, customers have adopted a new expectation around empathy. You should again sense the tone and give the space to the caller to respond openly. You need to validate their feelings before addressing their query or concern. You need to make the caller understand before pursuing a resolution.

Putting on hold is one of the main reasons why people get frustrated. There are many tools that take care of these things to begin the conversation on a cheerful and optimistic level. To make the customer feel calm, it is essential to adopt empathy in your voice tone.

The Bottom Line:

Now you know well how phone answering services are a sure hit when your agents know the right tone of voice. It is what makes or breaks your brand. You can also hire outsourced agents who are professionally trained in handling customers. It will save you cost as well as increase your customer satisfaction.

Digi tech Outsourcing Solution (DOS) is the best answering support solution agency. They have the best reps in line who are competent in multilingual support. You do not even need to worry about the working hours as they are available 24/7. It means your brand will stay operational throughout the week at all times. If you are unsure about them, we would recommend giving their services a try. You will not be charged even a single penny as their trial version is completely free. So, get in touch with them and receive a tailored business plan.

So, you are now well equipped with all the information around the tone of voice. It is time you start investing in focus to gain an edge over your competitors. Thank you for reading this blog. We hope you liked it and are taking some valuable tips from it. Please feel free to share your feedback with our team.