6 Best Ways to Use Himalayan Pink Salt For Your Body & Mind


There’s no disputing that pink Himalayan pink salt is incredibly hot right now, whether you’ve added a glowing Himalayan salt lamp to your bedroom or picked up a fancy pink salt cutting board from your local home goods store.

But the benefits of Himalayan pink salt go far beyond aesthetics: whether you eat it, apply it to your skin, or soak in it, it can help your body in a variety of ways. Continue reading for six simple methods to avail the benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt.

Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt, found near the Himalayan foothills in Pakistan, is little processed and acquires its distinctive rosy hue from a variety of trace elements, including magnesium and potassium. Furthermore, according to Elizabeth Taddiken, ND, a naturopathic physician at the Rockwood Natural Medicine Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ, Himalayan salt can improve your skin or refill you after a bout of illness.

The benefits of Himalayan pink salt

Blood pressure control

Isn’t salt supposed to make you hypertensive? Yes, regular table salt has this property. Table salt has been refined to the point where it contains very few minerals. Himalayan pink salt, on the other hand, is made up of 80 distinct minerals, including calcium and iron, and comes from Pakistan’s Punjab province and is extracted from the Himalayan foothills. The body can digest the salt more easily because it hasn’t been processed. The Himalayan pink salt is also pushed through your body with less water. This helps to minimize dehydration and other problems that conventional salt might cause.

Iodine is abundant in Himalayan pink salt. Natural iodine helps your body maintain an electrolyte balance, which improves your ability to absorb nutrients and lowers your blood pressure as a result.

Relax your muscles

A salt bath is an excellent approach to help relieve muscle tension. Adding minerals to your bath can help a lot. Himalayan pink salt improves your body’s ability to absorb various minerals, which helps your body build its bones and lessen discomfort. So, the next time your body aches, get some Himalayan salt and throw it in a hot bath. Allow it to disintegrate before climbing on it. Some of the Himalayan pink salt will be absorbed by your body, which will then go to work straight away.

Get rid of your dry skin

Do you have dry skin? Do you have flakes on your elbows and knees that are patchy? This could be owing to the dry, cold winter weather. Perhaps it’s because you live in a house with hard water. Whatever the reason, Himalayan pink salt can be used to exfoliate dry skin. Himalayan salt works wonders as a natural exfoliator. It’s not as harsh as some other solutions, and it’s completely natural.

Combine the salt with coconut oil (you can also use castor oil, which is another fantastic, natural oil to apply on your body) to assist exfoliate while also hydrating your skin, and then wrap the mixture in a warm washcloth. This will help to remove the dry skin while also nourishing your body. If you have hard water, the salt route will also help to reduce the dryness you feel after a bath.

Decrease depression

If you haven’t yet purchased a Himalayan salt lamp, now is the moment. One of the salt lamp’s advantages is that it emits negative ions. These are organic molecules that occur naturally in the environment. Negative ions are most typically found in regions like mountains, forests, and even some beaches. If you’ve visited some of these spots on your own, you’ve probably experienced a sense of serenity and tranquility. While natural beauty plays a role, the peace of mind that these negative ions provide is also a factor. With the help of a salt lamp, you can help attract negative ions into your home.

What causes this to happen? Negative ions can help you increase your serotonin levels naturally. This boost in serotonin levels has the potential to improve your mental frame of mind, reducing depression.

Remove that blue light from your home

Throughout the day, you glance at much too many blue lights. Almost any electronic screen, such as computers, televisions, cell phones, or anything else with a screen, emits blue light. This blue light might stress your eyes and make you feel tired and run down. When you can, reduce the amount of blue light you’re exposed to, but there are instances when you simply can’t avoid it. You need to offer new light to assist in offsetting the impact of steady blue light. A Himalayan salt lamp will bring a warm, pinkish glow to your space. This color is similar to that of a candle or natural fire.

This allows you to bring natural light to your home without having to worry about flames or fire, making it an ideal night lamp for a child or for placing about the house without the danger of overheating.

Treat a sore throat

When Mom urged you to gargle saltwater to relieve a sore throat, she was correct. According to Penn State Medicine, saltwater can help kill bacteria, release mucus, and relieve discomfort, however, it isn’t a cure-all for fast relief. Simply gargle with 1/2 teaspoon finely powdered Himalayan pink salt and a cup of warm water.

Final words

Himalayan salt is one of the most effective natural cures. It comes in a variety of grain sizes, so choose according to your culinary requirements. Extra fine grain is best for cooking, while medium and coarse grains are ideal for finishing.